Edit/Record Voice Screen
The Edit/Record Voice screen allows users to record their own player intros. Simply tap the Record button and voice your intro. We recommend you voice with your mouth about 6 inches from the microphone of your device, typically located at the bottom center of the device.
Show Countdown Toggle - When this option is turned ON, a 3 second countdown will appear before the voice capture begins. When turned OFF, the voice capture will begin the instant the Record button is tapped.
Pause & Continue - "Pause & Continue" facilitates the recording of long reads of multiple sentences or phrases, such as sportsmanship statements. When turned on, users may then record longer reads one sentence/phrase at a time, while pausing between sentences/phrases. While paused, users have the 4 options/buttons of Play Last, Delete Last, Continue, or Done. Play Last will play back the last capture. Delete Last will throw away the last capture and allow you to record it again (if you made a mistake). Continue allows you to move on and record the next sentence/phrase. And Done will put all your recordings together into a single audio file and allow you to play it back. The new AutoTrim feature documented below is highly recommend during Pause & Continue so that each sentence/phrase flows together properly.
AutoTrim - Automatically trim your voice recordings to remove any dead air before or after the voice. When AutoTrim is turned on, each voice capture will be carefully examined to identify where the voice begins and where it ends, and then trimmed so that exactly a half second of dead air will be left both before and after the voicing. This option is highly recommended when using the Pause & Continue feature. This trimming is also critical when overlapping or combining multiple recordings through functionality such as SuperVoice.
SuperVoice - This option allows you to SuperVoice your own team by voicing a team of events and then combining that Team Component with the player number/name intros. To learn more about SuperVoicing your own team, click here.
Import Button - Users may import external audio files (.mp3, .aac, .m4a, .wav, etc) into the voice component of any player. First you must transfer the file to your device (through methods such as iCloud, email, text, etc), then simply tap the Import button and navigate to and select the audio file.
Next - Saves the current players voice setup and moves to the Next player on the team.
Done - Saves the current player voice setup and returns to the Edit Player screen.
Turning Voice On/Off - Toggles are now available in the Edit Player screen to toggle on/off both Voice and Music. These toggle buttons are located to the right of the Music and Voice Edit buttons in the Edit Player screen. The toggle(s) will only show if the player is setup with Music or Voice respectively. When toggling Voice or Music off, the underlying Voice or Music settings will be retain and restored when Voice/Music is toggled back on.