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Also see: Voice Effects

How can I insert sound effects or special effects into my SuperVoice introductions?

Sound Effects can be used in a number of creative ways with SuperVoice. In short, you will import (or create) a team of Sound Effects, then insert these effects (which are simply players on the Sound Effects team) in as a SuperVoice component. First, it is important that you read this page to understand the difference between a Team Component and a Player Component and how they are used within SuperVoice.

Import Sound Effects

(Click on links below on your device to import the respective team into BallparkDJ. If you are not on your device, you’ll need to open this web page on your device and click on the link to import.)

Once you have imported the Sound Effects team above, you are ready to insert it into your intros through SuperVoice. You will need to decide whether you want to add it as a Team Component (dynamic) or a Player Component (static) and this page will help you make that decision. And if you are simply adding it to a SuperVoice team that you ordered, you should have all the information you need to make this happen on this page.

If you would like to add the effects to a team you have voice or had professionally voiced but have NOT ordered SuperVoice on, follow these steps (all demonstrated in graphics below).

  • Duplicate Team - Choose Actions > Duplicate Team and give this team the same name but with a subtitle like “Sound Effects”.

  • Turn On SuperVoice - Edit each player and choose “Record” next to the voice component. Toggle the SuperVoice on.

  • Add Components - Click Add Team to add the Sound Effects team as a component. Click the Add Player and choose the appropriate player from the original team. Edit the order and or overlap as needed and as demonstrated below. If you prefer to choose a specific sound effect for each player, then the Add Player button would be used to select the appropriate effect and the resulting SuperVoice would end up with two voice components.

  • Repeat - Repeat this process for each player.