Music Issues with BallparkDJ and iOS 14
iOS 14 is scheduled to be released on September 16, 2020, however…
This release caused some issues with the selection of music in iOS 13.6 and 13.7. We have fixed this issue in BallparkDJ 9.0.1. 9.0.1 was released early on Sunday 9/20 and should be available on the App Store Sunday afternoon. Once you’ve updated to 9.0.1, you should then be able to access you iTunes and Apple Music without any issue.
There remains an issue with the Auto-Assistant feature that conveniently automates the download and setup of Apple Music when sharing teams. We are trying to find a solution to this issue but it may come down to waiting on Apple to fix it on their end (in a subsequent release of iOS 14). Until this is fixed, you will have to manually download and setup your music when sharing teams. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
We will keep you posted here as well as on our Facebook page and Twitter account.