Team Colors
Customize and highlight your team with its own background color to reflect the color of your team, your favorite color, or just any color that stands out and helps you quickly locate your team. A Team Color option has been added to the Actions > Team Settings screen. This color will be used to paint the background behind the team name, both in the list of teams, and in the team name header when the team is open. 11 different colors are available allowing you to highlight your team in your teams color and helps to quickly identify the team in the list of teams. A "No Color" option is available to revert to the white or black background that is standard for light and dark mode respectively. The color of the blue/red/gold SuperVoice teams must be preserved and retained for administrative reasons, but users may turn on Team Color for the blue team, and that color will be used to paint a square to the right of the team names for all 3 (blue/red/gold) SuperVoice teams.
Custom Color - ANY Team Color
Users may now choose any color under the rainbow. When selecting team color, click the “Setup” button to the right of the “Custom” choice and you’ll be presented with a variety of color picker options. Once you’ve setting on the team color you want, click the X at the top right of the screen, and then tap on the Custom color choice (which should now be highlighted in your newly chosen team color).