One of my names was mispronounced (or the number is wrong). How can I fix?

No problem. It’s easy to request a redo of your voiced players. You must do so from the blue team (the master team).

  • Open your blue team (master team).

  • If the name was mispronounced, you need to voice the player to provide the proper pronunciation. To do so, tap the voices/music icons to the right of the player. Then tap the Record button, and use this screen to record your voice providing the pronunciation.

  • If the number is wrong, simply tap the music/voice icons to the right of the player, and edit the number.

  • Then choose Actions > Request Voice Redo and choose only the player(s) that need to be redone.

You’ll get the fixed team back within 24 hours and that correction will permeate to all teams that involve that players name.

For additional information on fixing a mispronounced name or wrong number, visit Voice Order Redo.

If you previously ordered SuperVoice and have a new player added to your team, you can easily Add Players. Click here to for details on adding players to a SuperVoice team.

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